Because experience and expertise are worth their weight in gold, the practice of Prof. Dr. Schulte-Uebbing is number 1 not only in Munich when it comes to gynecology, gynecological oncology, environmental medicine, natural hormone treatment und immunotherapy. Prof. Dr. Schulte-Uebbing: “In addition to the latest conventional medicine according to guidelines, we offer modern integrative procedures in our practice, for example radiation free breast cancer screening and aftercare procedures, vital field® diagnostics and therapy, intravenous laser therapy® and external soft laser therapy® according to Dr. Weber, ozone oxygen therapy® according to Dr. Hänsler and much more.”
As a specialist in gynecology in Munich, Prof. Dr. Schulte-Uebbing is very concerned about filtering out the causes of diseases in order to be able to implement an individual, cause oriented therapy concept and thus successfully harmonize body, soul and spirit.
New: immunotherapies after corona infections (Long Covid). Many people who were ill with Covid 19 still suffer from chronic exhaustion, listlessness, tiredness and immune deficiencies. Immunotherapies can often achieve significant improvements here.