Chelattherapie München

Chelation therapy

Successful fight against heavy metals

In our gynecological practice in the heart of Munich with a focus on environmental medicine, we have been carrying out so called chelate therapies for over 30 years. They are particularly effective in the detoxification of metals – especially toxic and cancerogenic heavy metals.

Chelation therapies: used worldwide in applied environmental medicine

So called “chelating agents”, also known as chelators, are used as part of chelation therapy. The term “chelator” is derived from the Greek word “chele” = scissors. Chelators are therefore considered to be chemical compounds that, because of their chemical structure, can bind metals in the body. Important chelators include sodium EDTA, DMPS, DMSA, zinc DTPA, etc.

Chelation therapies have been used successfully in applied environmental medicine for decades – worldwide.

Prof. Dr.  Schulte-Uebbing has been a scientific advisor of the German medical association for chelation therapy ( for many decades.

Chelation therapy at a glance:

  • metals bound to chelators are excreted naturally from the body via the kidneys and the bladder.
  • after chelation therapy the urine can be sent to a special laboratory.
  • the metal concentrations in the urine can be determined.
  • it can be determined which metals in which concentration the organism was freed from by the chelation therapy.

After chelation therapy, many patients report that their state of health has noticeably improved as a result of the therapy. They often report that symptoms such as forgetfulness, depression, memory problems, listlessness, anxiety or allergies have improved significantly or have disappeared completely as a result of chelation therapy.

Even the slightest exposure to heavy metals can cause diseases

Heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, etc. (e.g. from food, traffic, industry, etc.), but also light metals such as aluminum, etc. can be (partial) causes of a wide variety of diseases. Numerous studies show that even the slightest exposure to heavy metals and light metals can increase the risk of various diseases.

Too many physiological metals in the blood: increasing risk of diseases

Our organism needs physiological metals to live – for example magnesium, selenium, zinc and iron. They are indispensable, e.g. for generating energy in the cells. If there are too many physiological metals in the blood this can be or become problematic. For example too much iron in the blood can increase the risk of arteriosclerosis. The risk of circulatory disorders in the heart, e.g. of heart attack, stroke, etc. can also increase.

If toxic metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead and cadmium are in the blood, this can impair the metabolism, the hormone, nervous and immune systems and cause lasting damage. Toxic metals can displace vital metals such as zinc, calcium or magnesium from our cell system, etc.

It can lead to chronic and serious diseases – especially cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, heart attacks, strokes, autoimmune diseases, e.g. Hashimoto’s disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.

It can also apply to neurodegenerative diseases– associated with forgetfulness, depressions, memory loss, lethargy, anxiety, etc. These deseases are often partially caused by toxic metals, etc. 


In our practice, which focuses on environmental medicine, we have been carrying out so called chelation therapies for 30 years, in particular for the detoxification of metals, especially toxic and carcinogenic heavy metals, etc.

In chelation therapies, we use so called “chelators” which, due to their chemical structure, can bind metals in the body.  Important chelators are for example sodium EDTA, DMPS, DMSA, zinc DTPA, etc.

Anyone who detoxifies well is physically, mentally and spiritually healthier and more vital. Mood and performance are better, the aging process can be slowed down by regular detoxification: longer healthy and fit.

Chelation therapies have been used in applied environmental medicine worldwide for decades. Numerous studies show that even the slightest exposure to heavy metals (such as lead, mercury, cadmium etc.) and / or light metals (such as aluminum) can increase the risk of various diseases.

After chelation therapies, many patients report that their state of health has noticeably improved as a result of the therapy. They often report that symptoms such as forgetfulness, depression, memory problems, listlessness, anxiety or allergies etc. have improved significantly or have disappeared completely.

Literature (selection):

BLAUROCK- BUSH, E., STREY, R.: Antidota, Handbuch der Klinischen Metalltoxikologie, Hersbruck, 2017

VAN DER SCHAAR, P.J. et al: Clinical Metal Toxicology, I.B.C.M.T. Protocol,10th edition, 2011

JENNRICH, P., SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Toxikologische Aspekte in der Angewandten Onkologie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schwermetalle, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie, 8 / 2016

JENNRICH, P., SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Löst Aluminium Brustkrebs aus? Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie (DZO), 2015; 47; 4 – 9

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., DOUWES, F. et al.: Metallausleitung in der Onkologischen Praxis, Ärztegesellschaft für Klinische Metalltoxikologie, Baden-Baden, 11 / 2011

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., BLAUROCK- BUSH, E., DOUWES, F., PSENICKA, F. et al.: Workshop Umweltmedizinische Entgiftungs- Konzepte, Chelat- Therapie, Baden-Baden, 11 / 2003

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., BLAUROCK- BUSH, E., PSENICKA, F. et al: Chelat- Therapie, Workshop Ärztekongress, Baden- Baden, 11 / 2006

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Umweltmedizinische Entgiftungs- Konzepte, Workshop Chelat- Therapie, Ärztekongress Baden- Baden, 11 / 2004

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., DOUWES, F.: Breast cancer, heavy metals, immuno stimulation and chelation therapy concepts, Kongress Deutsche Gesellschaft für Onkologie DGO, Baden Baden 10 / 2007

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Umweltmedizinische Entgiftungs- Konzepte, Chelat- Therapie, Ärztekongress Baden- Baden, 11 / 2003

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Schwermetall- Entgiftung mit Chelatoren, Baden- Baden, 11 / 2002

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., ZAHN, V.: Entgiftungs- Konzepte: Chelat- Therapie, In: Lehrbuch Angewandte Umweltmedizin, Sonntag (Thieme), Stuttgart, 1995 (440 Seiten)

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Dekorporierung abgelagerter Kalziumsalze. Ein wichtiger Mechanismus in der Angewandten Umweltmedizin. CO’MED, 2 / 2009, S. 20 ff.

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Chelat- Therapie zur Schwermetall- Entgiftung in der ganzheitlichen Frauenheilkunde- Praxis, In: Frauenheilkunde, Pattloch- Verlag, Augsburg, 1995

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., ZAHN, V.: Schwermetall- Entgiftung, Chelat- Therapie In: Umweltkrankheiten natürlich behandeln, Pattloch, Augsburg, 1995, 212 Seiten

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., ZAHN, V.: Chelat- Therapie in der Frauenheilkunde,Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Risiken, In: Lehrbuch Umweltbedingte Frauenkrankheiten, Sonntag (Thieme), Stuttgart, 1994 (405 Seiten)

ZAHN, V., SCHULTE-UEBBING, C.: Chelat- Therapie in der Angewandten Umweltmedizin, Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Risiken, In: Lehrbuch der Umweltmedizin, UMGEWE, Straubing, 1991 (560 Seiten)

SCHULTE-UEBBING, C., BERKMÜLLER, A.: Krebsheilkunde, Pattloch, Augsburg, 1995, 212 Seiten

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Do you have unclear symptoms and need professional advice or come to us with an existing diagnosis?  We warmly welcome you to our practice for gynecology in the center of Munich.