Help for tattooed people
We help with detoxification and immune therapy
A number of recent scientific publications show that many people can expect health problems caused by toxic substances in their tattoos in the course of their lives. Tattoos may contain toxic substances and cause diseases. We help those affected.
Primary and secondary reactions to tattoos – we can help
All tattooed individuals experience a number of primary reactions during and after the procedure, which resolve in days or weeks for most tattooed individuals. The tattooed are then mostly symptom free. Primary reactions are, for example, pain, inflammatory reactions and swelling.
However, many tattooed people can develop secondary reactions after weeks, months, years and decades. Problems in the lymphatic system can occur, including so called lymphadenopathy. Nodular inflammatory tissue reactions are also conceivable. Furthermore, encapsulation can occur and the growth of tumors can be promoted.
Causes can be exogenous, allergen and toxic substances and substance mixtures: inorganic pigments, organic pigments, carrier liquids, substances for viscosity adjustment, solvents, various impurities, etc. Tattoos can also contain heavy metals such as nickel, lead, arsenic and cadmium as well as light metals such as aluminum, etc.
Gynecological diseases caused by tattoos – diagnosis and therapy in our practice
In our gynecological consultation hours in Munich, we see more and more patients with tattoos in the genital area and the lower abdominal region. We have the impression that these patients suffer from gynecological diseases more frequently than average. Studies on a possible causality are necessary. There are indications that color pigments from tattoos in the female genital area can lead to problems in the lymphatic system, including so called inguino femoral lymphadenopathy. There may also be problems in the area of the labia. The growth of so called squamous vulva carcinomas may be promoted, etc.
Breast cancer from tattoos?
The color mixtures in tattoos can contain toxic heavy metals, aluminium, other pollutants and carcinogens. Tattoos in the breast and armpit region can possibly – directly or indirectly – promote breast cancer. There are indications that color pigment mixtures in tattoos can also complicate breast cancer prevention diagnostics and follow up diagnostics. Black colors in particular can contain carcinogenic plasticizers such as so called phthalates, especially dibutyl phthalates (DBP). Black colors are also suspected of containing various carcinogenic so called polycyclic aromatic compounds.
If phthalates and heavy metals from tattoos permanently get into the organism, it can lead to carcinogenic, teratogenic and endocrinopathogenic effects.
- phthalates and heavy metals from tattoos can disrupt hormonal control circuits.
- the thyroid in particular appears to be particularly sensitive to phthalates.
- phthalates and heavy metals can affect fertility, including by altering sperm DNA.
- the cancerogen effect of tattoos containing phthalates can be increased if other endocrine disruptors are also present, e.g. heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic or thallium, as well as light metals such as aluminum.
A general and gynecological anamnesis and gynecological examination as well as subsequent targeted individual laboratory examinations should be carried out.
“Help for tattoed” guidelines – talk to us about it
So far there are no guidelines and no standardized therapy recommendations for the treatment of diseases caused by tattoos, such as lymphadenopathy caused by color pigment mixtures. In our gynecological practice in Munich and practice for environmental medicine in Munich, we put together an individual therapy concept for those affected:
- strengthening of the immune system
- individual laboratory controlled metal detoxification
- individual infusions, e.g. with mixtures of minerals, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, etc.
- support of the body’s own detoxification, e.g. acupuncture, phytotherapy, vital field therapy Vitatec®, etc.
Tattoos can contain toxic substances and cause many diseases. We help those affected. We provide advice, targeted analyzes, individual detoxification and immune therapy, etc.
So far there are no guidelines for the therapy of diseases caused by toxic substances in tattoos.
We put together individual therapy concepts: These include strengthening the immune system, individual laboratory controlled metal detoxification, individual infusions, e.g. with mineral, amino acid, vitamin, antioxidant mixtures, support of the body’s own detoxification, e.g. acupuncture, phytotherapy, vital field therapy Vitatec®, proven methods of traditional medicine, etc.
Literature (selection):
Literatur zum Thema Tätowierungen und Folgeerkrankungen
Schulte-Uebbing, C., Gerhard, I., Ionescu, J., Antal, L., Bodog, A., Craiut, I.D.: Auf ein Wort: Was GynäkologInnen über Tätowierungen wissen sollten- umweltmedizinische, endokrinologische und immunologische Aspekte, Gyn (25), 2020, S. 67- 72
Schulte-Uebbing, C.: Zunehmende Therapie- Resistenz bei gynäkologischen Erkrankungen durch Duftstoff-Zusätze am Beispiel der Phthalate, Menopause- Kongress, Universität Wien, 7.12.2019
Schulte-Uebbing, C.: TWM (Traditionelle Westliche Medizin): Theorie und Praxis, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen, Beispiele aus der Gynäkologischen Sprechstunde, Wissenschaftlicher Workshop, Universität Warschau, Polen, 23.11.2019
Schulte-Uebbing, C.: Phthalate als Endokrine Disruptoren, Zur möglichen Rolle von Duftstoffzusätzen bei der zunehmenden Therapieresistenz von gynäkologischen Erkrankungen, Gyn- Aktiv, 6/ 2019, S. 29
Schulte-Uebbing, C., Gerhard, I., Ionescu, J., Antal, L., Bodog, A.: Riskanter Körperschmuck ? Mögliche gynäkologische Spätfolgen von Tattoos, gynäkologie + geburtshilfe, 2019; 24 (3), S. 54-55
Schulte-Uebbing, C.: Stellenwert toxischer Metalle in der Umweltmedizin, Workshop für Ärzt(Inn)e(n), Med Woche Baden Baden, 1.11.2019
Schulte-Uebbing, C.: Endokrine Disruptoren in Parfüm und Duftstoffen – umweltmedizinische, endokrinologische, immunologische Aspekte und Möglichkeiten der Orthomolekular-Medizin, 14. Internationaler Bodensee- Kongress für Regulations- und Moderne Orthomolekulare Medizin, Ermatingen, CH, 7.9.2019
Schulte-Uebbing, C: Endokrine Disruptoren, v. a. ubiquitäre Phthalate (in Nahrung, Kosmetika, Parfüm etc.) als wichtige (Teil-)Ursache chronischer Krankheiten und Tumoren, Krebskongress, München, 18.5.2019
Schulte-Uebbing, C., Ionescu, J., Gerhard, I., Craiut, I.D.: Parfümfreie Praxis – Warum ? Teil 3: Konsequenzen für Klinik und Praxis,, Februar, 2019, S. 64-65
Schulte-Uebbing, C., Ionescu, J., Pfab, F., Gerhard, I., Craiut, I.D., Antal, L.: Parfümfreie Praxis – Warum ? Teil 1: Gefährliche Konzentrationen,, Dezember, 2018, S. 70-72
Ionescu, J., Schulte-Uebbing, C., Jennrich, P.: Stoffwechselmerkmale der Tumorzellen als Ziel komplementärer Therapien, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 2018; (50), 1-15
Schulte-Uebbing, C., Landenberger,M., Pfab, F., Antal, L.: Schadstoffe als Ursache oder Auslöser endokriner Störungen und chronischer Erkrankungen. Aminosäuren in der Prävention oder Therapie dieser durch Schadstoffe (mit) ausgelösten Erkrankungen, Zeitschrift für Orthomolekulare Medizin 2018; 16(03): 15-21
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Do you have unclear symptoms and need professional advice or come to us with an existing diagnosis? We warmly welcome you to our practice for gynecology in the center of Munich.